Friday, January 30, 2015

30 Day Fitness Challenge Series

Living a healthy lifestyle is another great way to help keep your finances down. You pay less in medical bills, you miss less work, you will feel better about yourself and are just happier in general. I have lived both healthy and non-healthy lifestyles. I will tell you that I feel a million times better when I live a healthy lifestyle. Over the years I have really struggled with my weight, and lately I have not been making very good choices. I am not sleeping well, which causes me to be tired all of the time, I have no energy, and just overall icky feeling. It is time for me to get back on track. Feel like joining me?

Getting healthy doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. You do not need an expensive gym membership. There are tons of exercise routines you can do that require no equipment at all. Walking, running, sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, wall sits, planks, squats, yoga, the list goes on and on.

Living a healthy lifestyle does include both exercise and eating right. However this upcoming series is going to just be focused on exercise. To help get me started in the right direction, I have decided I want to do a couple of the “30 Day Fitness Challenges.” I did one before a couple years ago and I really liked it. It was hard, but I had amazing results. Just remember, after the 30 days, if you do not continue to exercise, you will lose all of your hard work and awesome results.

The challenge’s I plan on doing are: “30 Day Push-Up’s For Beginners Challenge”(Starting off easy), “30 Day Squat Challenge”, “30 Day Ab Challenge”, “30 Day Wall Sit Challenge”, “30 Day Arm Challenge” and “30 Day Plank Challenge”.

There are many other challenges’ out there (that I may do at some point), but these are just the ones I want to start with. I have to be very careful which exercises I do, because of a major surgery I had a couple years ago. I have restrictions on what I am allowed and not allowed to do. If you have any limitations due to medical reasons, please do not do any of these that may cause you injury in any way.

I will be starting February 1st with the “30 Day Push-Up’s For Beginners Challenge” so be sure to come back then for the fitness chart I will be posting, so you know how many push-ups to do each day. I sure hope you will join me on these challenges!

Your Frugal Friend,

DISCLAIMER:  I am NOT a fitness expert/professional in any way. Any of these challenges you choose to do, you are choosing to do at your own risk. I am not liable for any injuries you may incur. It is always a good idea to consult your physician before starting any new exercise regimen. Also I did not create any of these challenges and I unfortunately do not know where they originate from to give the proper credit to them. 

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